Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Review the general applications of monoclonal antibodies,emphasising Essay
Audit the general utilizations of monoclonal antibodies,emphasising their favorable position and confinements with explicit models - Essay Example They have gotten utilization in the territories of medication, atomic science and natural chemistry; when utilized in the field of medication, they are distinguished from the finish of the name of the non-exclusive medication, is recognized in light of the fact that it contains â€mab in its name. This paper will investigate the general utilizations of monoclonal antibodies, and the conversation will offer more accentuation to their confinements and focal points. Conversation Monoclonal antibodies are utilized in the field of medication for the identification of various assortments of poisons, medications or hormones. At the point when utilized for this broadly useful, they are focused on the objective zone in the body of the person. For instance, when used to identify or stop the development of malignancy cells, these antibodies are focused at the particular proteins found on the surfaces of some disease cells. When infused into the body of the individual, these monoclonal antibod ies find the malignant growth cells and afterward append themselves to the given disease cells or antigens (Kontermann, 2005). At times, they are utilized all alone and in others conjugated with different substances. At the point when bare monoclonal antibodies are infused into the body, they tie themselves to the objective receptors or the antigens found on the malignancy cells being focused on (Yarbo, Wujcik and Gobel, 2011). The benefits of utilizing monoclonal antibodies incorporate that when they are utilized to focus on certain kinds of disease cells, they will connect themselves to the specific receptors of the malignancy cells, and afterward they stop the continuation of the development of malignant growth cells. A portion of the models utilized for this motivation behind treating carcinogenic development incorporate rituximab (Biburger, Weth and Wels, 2005). Rituximab is utilized for this corrective reason to treat a few kinds of B-cell on-Hodgkin lymphoma. The second monoc lonal counter acting agent type is trastuzumab, which is utilized for the treatment of HER2-positive harmful developments on bosoms (American Cancer Society, 2008). The weakness of utilizing monoclonal antibodies is that they can be connected to poisons, which are produced using plants or microorganisms. For the situation that they are utilized to move these poisons, the poisonous component is probably going to influence the focused on disease cells just as the ordinary cells of the patient (Yarbo, Wujcik and Gobel, 2011, p. 558-560). Towards settling this issue, analysts are exploring for antigens that influence the malignant cells just, and not the typical cells. Monoclonal antibodies are utilized in the clinical procedures of radioimmunotherapy and radioimmunodetection of malignant growth, where a portion of the new variations of the antibodies can be focused at the cell films of the harmful cells of a patient (Goldenberg et al., 2006). The upside of monoclonal antibodies when ut ilized for this reason incorporates that they help in upgrading the foundation proportions of tumors and they additionally help the conveyance of higher measurements, when contrasted with the situation when they are straightforwardly conjugated for use with different mixes (Rossi et al., 2006). The burdens of utilizing monoclonal antibodies as such incorporate that the usefulness of a significant number of the medications that have been created isn't affirmed by wellbeing and medication testing associations. One of the new malignancy drugs dependent on the working of monoclonal counter acting agent innovation is Ritoxin, which was affirmed for use in wellbeing establishments, by the FDA in November 1997 (Salvana and Salata, 2009). Monoclonal
Thursday, July 16, 2020
College Scholarships for People With ADHD
College Scholarships for People With ADHD ADHD School Print College Scholarships for People With ADHD By Keath Low Keath Low, MA, is a therapist and clinical scientist with the Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities at the University of North Carolina. She specializes in treatment of ADD/ADHD. Learn about our editorial policy Keath Low Updated on January 19, 2020 ADHD Overview Symptoms Causes Diagnosis Treatment Living With In Children Virojt Changyencham / Getty Images Do you have ADHD and wonder if there are scholarships available for college? Use these tips for looking for scholarship opportunities, including those for people with ADHD. Searching for Scholarships When you are searching for ADHD scholarships for college, be sure to widen your search to include scholarships available for learning disabilities. You may also want to explore private scholarships that have nothing to do with your ADHD. For example, you might be eligible for scholarships depending on your study interests and career goals, ethnic background, religious affiliation, extracurricular activities, military experience and your parents’ place of employment. If you are employed or volunteering, ask your company if they offer scholarships. Many organizations such as the Lions Club, Kiwanis Club, Rotary International, Elks Club, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts also offer scholarships. Major labor unions such as the AFL-CIO and Teamsters offer scholarships for members and their dependent children. Your church or synagogue may even have scholarships. Check with your Chamber of Commerce to see what they may have available, as well. Your local state Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency is another resource that may be able to assist in your scholarship search. Search State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies to find the contact information for your state VR office. The Financial Aid office at the colleges you are considering is often the best resource for scholarship information. These financial aid counselors will be familiar with local, state, and private sources of funding. You can also try general scholarship search engines on the Internet such as Fast Web,, Peterson’s Scholarship Search, and College Boards Scholarship Search. List of ADHD Scholarships The following are scholarship programs that have been available to students with ADHD. Requirements and availability can change yearly. Check their websites for current details. Anne Ford and Allegra Ford Thomas Scholarships The Anne Ford Scholarship is a $10,000 scholarship ($2,500/year over four years) granted to a graduating high school senior with a documented learning disability who will be enrolled in a full-time bachelor’s degree program in the fall. The Allegra Ford Thomas Scholarship is a $5,000 scholarship awarded over two years ($2,500 each year) to a graduating high school senior with a documented learning disability who will be enrolled in a two-year community college, a vocational or technical training program, or a specialized program for students with LD in the fall.?? Fred J. Epstein Youth Achievement Award This award recognizes the strengths and accomplishments of young people with learning disabilities and ADHD. It will be given to a student 19 or younger who has demonstrated initiative, talent, and determination resulting in a notable accomplishment in any fieldâ€"including art, music, science, math, athletics or community service. Honorable Mentions are also be awarded.?? Incight Scholarship The Incight Go-Getter Scholarship is an award that is renewable each year and is for students with physical, learning, cognitive, hearing or visual disabilities who are residents of Washington, Oregon, or California.?? Learning Disabilities Association of Iowa The Learning Disabilities Association of Iowa awards scholarships to Iowa high school seniors with learning disabilities.?? Marion Huber Learning Through Listening Award Each year the Marion Huber Learning Through Listening Awards are given to six Nationaly Ally high school seniors with learning disabilities that plan to continue their education after graduation. They are selected based on their academic achievement, outstanding leadership, and service to others. The top three winners receive $6,000 each. There also are three special honors winners that receive $2,000 each.?? P. Buckley Moss Endowed Scholarship Scholarships are awarded to at least one high school senior with financial need, a certified specific language-related learning disability, and artistic talent who plan a career in visual arts.?? Ralph D. Norman Scholarship Award Available to Arkansas residents only, the Ralph G. Norman Scholarship fund was established to provide assistance to young adults with learning disabilities so they may obtain success in furthering their education. This $2,500 scholarship is awarded based on the applicants commitment to higher education, self-advocacy skills, and community involvement.?? Johnson Scholarship Available to students who enroll in a State University System of Florida institution. The Johnson Scholarship, funded by the Johnson Scholarship Foundation, is a competitively awarded program which is available to undergraduate students with disabilities with financial need who enroll in a State University System of Florida (SUS) institution.??
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay about I Was a Teenage Student - 1109 Words
I Was a Teenage Student I may be in the minority, or, more sadly, the majority, but I have never seen anything horribly wrong with my schooling. This may be because I have attended private schools for most of my life, and only attended a public, state-run institution for three years, or it may be because the effect Jonathan Kozol talks about in The Night Is Dark and I Am Far from Home has been so subtle that I do not notice it. I do have some criticisms of my schooling, however. When I think of my education as a whole, I think of it divided in to two parts, private and public. As I said before, I have spent most of my life--pre-school through the eighth grade--attending private schools. In pre-school through the lower grades we†¦show more content†¦Middle school is also where I was introduced to Science--more facts, but applications for those facts as well. The bulk of what I remember of my schooling is from high school, and I feel I should explain a little about the school I attended, because it is rather unique. Woodland Hills Senior High School, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was one of the last cases of forced integration in the country. What is now one school district, once was several. Of the former schools, three were populated entirely by White students. The other two, by Blacks. The state court, in its infinite wisdom, decided to take the five school districts, and make one, in the interest of diversity--I often liked to point out that our school was not diverse at all, it had only White and Black students. While it was easy enough to order everyone to attend the same high school, it was less so to build an entirely new building. What we ended up with was one thousand students crammed in to an under-sized school building. Another amusing side effect the court did not foresee was the budget problem. Most of the White students live d in the wealthier neighborhoods, and most of the Black students lived in poorer neighborhoods, and public housing projects. Since public schools are funded in large part by property taxes--which is completely stupid, andShow MoreRelatedMy Personal Experience Of Sexuality Education At Avondale College And St. Dominic s College Essay1707 Words  | 7 Pagesperspectives and priorities.By using my personal experience of sexuality education at Avondale College and St.Dominic’s College,I aim to demonstrate the ever increasing importance of comprehensive sexuality education in New Zealand and show how the current curriculum very successfully promotes heteronormativity but often fails to wholeheartedly acknowledge desire,homosexualtity and teenage pregnancy.This failure to acknowlege key aspects of sexuality in schools has numerous consequences such as widening ofRead MoreEssay On Teen Pregnancy1590 Words  | 7 PagesTeen Pregnancy Task 1 Teenage pregnancy has been around for thousands of years, and in the past was in fact an ideal among societies of past times, such as the Ancient Greeks, the Medieval Era, and even as late as the 20th century. 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Each book was for a different audience because they’re all discussing different topics but they all discuss the growth and development of adolescences in our society. Reviving Ophelia discusses the different types of scenarios Dr. Pipher faced in her practice with teenage girls. The teenage girls would seek out counseling because they had faced a tragic event and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Region of Aquitaine France - 677 Words
In the southwestern region lies Aquitaine, France that covers about 15,949 square miles (Dordogne). In all of those miles, you can experiences varying geography from beaches to vineyards, Aquitaine has it all. This section of France has gone through many leaders, changing but always coming back stronger than ever. There are many properties with just as much past as the entire region itself. No matter where you travel to in the region, you will always experience the same weather. The people in this area have very active hobbies that are much different than the hobbies that we have here in North America. Most Aquitaine is covered in vineyards and small villages but there are a few larger cities. Aquitaine, France has a vast variety of geography, a deep history, many properties, a generally consistent climate, an odd leisure life, and a mixture in city mood. The region of Aquitaine. France is bounded by many landforms and consists of vineyards or chà ¢teaux, beaches, and The Landes. Bo unding Aquitaine, you can find Limousin to the northeast, the Atlantic ocean to the west, Midi-Pyrà ©neà ©es to the east, and Spain to the south (Dordogne, Bordeaux the Southwest Coast). An hour drive south of Bordeaux, the sixth largest city in France, is home to several wine-producing properties, or chà ¢teaux. Chà ¢teau Haut-Brion, the most famous chà ¢teau in France, is the first vineyard that you will travel upon (Morley 238). This chà ¢teau is a mansion dating back to around 1533 when Jean de PontacShow MoreRelatedThe Hundred Years War1503 Words  | 7 PagesThe Hundred Years War began in May, 1337. It was a series of wars in Europe. France and England had been old enemies. The war was started for many reasons. The first reason is that King Phillip VI tried to seize the English territories in the duchy of Aquitaine. England tried to take the French throne. 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Identity in “the Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man†Free Essays
Identity in â€Å"The Autobiography of an ex-colored man†The Autobiography of an ex-colored man is a fiction novel dealing with acceptance and fitting in. The narrator of the story, who is considered both black and white, is struggling in his quest to find his true identity. The book is tragic and ironic in a way, since the main character spends a huge part of his life pretending to be white, while the author, James Johnson, is an active fighter for the rights of colored people. We will write a custom essay sample on Identity in â€Å"the Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man†or any similar topic only for you Order Now The novel itself is one of the first texts ever written, showing the difficulties which people of colour were facing. The hero goes back and forth while exploring the world and his roots. That is why, probably seeking redemption, he goes back to his childhood dream of becoming a great man of colour. Personal history and childhood is always in the bottom of people and their behavior. This is why understanding the narrator’s childhood and his dream is important for understanding his identity. In the beginning of the book the author describes Shiny’s great speech and how this triggered his dream of becoming a great coloured man. The little boy’s triumph seems to inspire the narrator’s dream, but the later description of the â€Å"phenomenon of enthusiasm†which comes after Shiny’s triumph, and every other Negro, who has reached Excellency, suggests that a man of colour can never achieve a true victory. It seems like the author suggests that Shiny is not actually applauded because of his speech, but rather because of his skin colour and the fact that white people expect less from him. Aware of that, the narrator believes that whatever he achieves in his life, every rise and fall, will be judged by â€Å"coloured eyes†and that is probably why he ultimately does not choose to follow his childhood dream of becoming a composer The author describes the little black boy in great details. In the author’s opinion, Shiny â€Å"made a striking picture†, which implies that the boy looks ridiculous on the stage. To complete the picture of the boy, the narrator explains how his clothes â€Å"didn’t fit him too well†, which provokes the reader’s sympathy, because of the fact that he is trying to prove how he is more than what he looks like. The ex-coloured man also describes Shiny’s looks as â€Å"positively handsome†, which implies a surprise that someone that black can actually look handsome. The way in which the boy is described, reveals the hidden bias against the coloured people in the whole novel. The public is escribed as dominantly white â€Å"with an exception of a score or so that was lost to view. †In a real situation, coloured people would be easily distinguishable among the white ones. Thus, I believe that the author is trying to highlight how little support Shiny has and how helpless is he feeling. The narrator doesn’t know what the little black boy is feeling up on the stage, but he makes many assumptions. We can assume that thos e assumptions are what the narrator would have felt if he was up there himself. Shiny is also compared with â€Å"a gladiator tossed into an arena†. This leaves the impression that he has no other option, but to fight and prove him, which shows how man of colour were never judged equally, but rather seen through the â€Å"coloured eyes†. By the end, the author says â€Å"How so young an orator could stir so great enthusiasm was to be wondered†. Here he finally admits for the first time that not the appearance, but the abilities and great speech of Shiny has won the applauses. The word â€Å"wondered†appears to be some kind of skepticism, and later the author explains in the next paragraph that people are always â€Å"stirred by the same emotions†and the â€Å"same phenomenon of enthusiasm†follows any black man’s success. This once again underestimates Shiny’s success. The author hints that his abilities have nothing to do with his successful speech, because after all Shiny is â€Å"what is common in his race, a natural orator. †The author also paints the picture of how the â€Å"boy gallantly waging with puny, black arms so unequal†managed to touch the â€Å"deep springs in the hearts of his audience†. The perceived weakness of the African-American people is notably present in the description of the scene, and it provokes deep sympathy in the readers. This particular memory of the narrator is crucial for understanding his motives. It may seem like he is running away from his race and living the life of a white man because it is easier, but considering the fact that he observes this scene through his â€Å"coloured eyes†, we can assume that this is probably in the bottom of his decision not to pursue his dream and to end up choosing the â€Å"easy†path of life. How to cite Identity in â€Å"the Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man†, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
What is Stress Essay Example For Students
What is Stress? Essay Outline1 The concept of stress and its impact on the human2 Can stress be a good thing?3 Symptoms of stress4 How to avoid stress? The concept of stress and its impact on the human The emergence of an unexpected and tense situation leads to an imbalance between the organism and the environment. There is a nonspecific reaction of the body in response to this situation that is called stress. If you’re one of those college students who need to find a muse for writing your argumentative assignment about stress in English, then this article is just for you. Stress is a state of mental health that occurs in the process of acting in the most difficult life conditions among students, employees, in teenage life, at work, and in my life as well. Sometimes, life becomes a harsh and ruthless school for a person. Emerging on our way difficulties (from the small problems to the tragic situations) cause emotional reactions of a negative type, accompanied by a range of psychological changes. We will write a custom essay on What is Stress? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Stress is a nonspecific response of the body to an unexpected and intense situation. It’s a physiological response that mobilizes the bodys reserves and prepares it for physical activity such as resistance, struggle, experience, escape, and analysis. During having stress, hormones are released, the mode of operation of many organs and systems changes (heart rhythm, pulse rate, etc.). Stress reaction causes a different manifestation in different people: inactive people the efficiency of activity increases, in passive people the efficiency sharply decreases. Can stress be a good thing? People are talking about stress as a daily negative experience that affects their health, and they are looking for expository ways to overcome it. So, are there substantiated tips for reducing stress? The response of the body to sudden changes around that threaten our safety or comfort is called a stress reaction. The ability to quickly respond to challenges and adapt to difficult times is an evolutionary achievement of the people. No matter how old you are and what is the cause of stressâ€â€difficulty at a job or at school, financial troubles, problems in student life, stress can cause serious effects on health, as it’s a very harmful factor in the work of your body. One physician notes: The reaction of the body to stress is something like a plane that is about to fly up. Indeed, when you feel the tension, your heart rate and blood pressure increase, the sugar content rises, and hormones are thrown into the bloodstream. That’s why if the human body is often in stress, then the brain, heart, lungs, blood vessels and muscles are constantly over-stimulated or, on the contrary, slow down their functions. As a conclusion, it can damage the body and the psyche. Stress causes the development of force-intensive diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, disorders of the immune system, memory loss and many other very harmful effects. Symptoms of stress Stress is an unpleasant psychological state that develops in the process of accumulation of situations from which a person can’t find a quick and satisfying exit. Stress causes very harmful effects on the organisms of people, that’s why people try to use all possible ways to avoid it. Overloading at work, expository conflicts with superiors and employees, impossibility of self-realization among students, tense relations with different people, misunderstandings with children or parents that affects your family status, financial issues, political peppering in the organization, problems with the memory all this is a regular source of stress for a modern person. Stress keeps the nervous system under constant stress and exhausts it a lot, and shaken nerves manifest themselves in: increased anxiety; irritability and inflexibility in the relations with people; vulnerability, tearfulness with the other people; apathy and depression; violation of communication with other people. .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f , .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f .postImageUrl , .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f , .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f:hover , .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f:visited , .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f:active { border:0!important; } .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f:active , .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u21fe1a9b8bb7ff0f71f8e1e52d33e69f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Presidential Power In A National Crisis EssayBut psychological manifestations aren’t the only effects of stress. The depleted nervous system becomes a cause of a violation of many processes in the body and a person in stress: constantly feels tired; has memory and sleep problems; lose appetite or, conversely, overeat; it becomes difficult to focus attention on what people say; general intellectual ability affects the body organization; physical manifestations (pain in the heart, stomach, joints) are observed, while medical research doesn’t support any somatic diagnoses. How to avoid stress? The modern world is not only technologies that simplify our lives, but also a lot of stress, which people expose every day. Welding in the family stress, misconduct of the childâ€â€stress, missed meetingâ€â€stress, bad experienceâ€â€stress. Stress can accumulate, and its consequences are extremely burdensome. Stress is everywhere, and it’s very harmful. The main causes of stress are a deficit of positive emotions, the situation when dissatisfied needs and plans aren’t implemented, as well as an excess of information, which leads to emotional exhaustion, after which we begin to exaggerate the problems in mind repeatedly. If you want to avoid stress in your life, try to do as follows: Divide the flow of information that your brain doesn’t have time to differentiate, by importance, urgency, and value. The best introduction to avoiding stress would be to find a way to realize the most important values for you in everyday life. If you need to have more time with your child, do everything for that. If the most important thing for you is parents, put aside everything and come to them. Your emotional stability will help you to avoid stress. Fill out your energy supply. Listen to your favorite music, walk around the park, go for a massage or simply sleep. Find a source of pleasure. Besides, a new hobby will become a source of positive emotions. Find out the external and internal causes of energy loss. To sum up, stress is an integral part of life. People live while they feel stress. But unfortunately, stress is very harmful to people. Sometimes the stress is something that a person can’t handle independently and needs the help of a neurologist or psychotherapist. Remember, if stress is something that strongly knocks you out of the path, then you need a doctors help. Otherwise, people will not understand you.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Free Essays on Influence
Popular music and its artists have an enormous impact on our culture's youth from generation to generation. In almost any generation within the past fifty years, the behavior and beliefs of the majority of pre-teens and teens can be closely correlated with those of the popular music artist's of that time. Which music was "the popular music" changed drastically several times between the 1950s and the present, along with the attitudes of that generation's young adults. With each change in popular music came also a lasting change in the behavior of generations to follow. In some cases, the change was evident the band or artist was creating or surrounded by controversy in other cases, the change was not evident until afterwards, a learning experience perhaps. In the 1950s, Bill Haley and the Comets first used the word "rock" to describe a musical form. They also released two movies, Blackboard Jungle, and Rock Around the Clock, which featured their music and were aimed specifically at young audiences. Blackboard Jungle told a story of teenage alienation and also made a star of Haley because of the overwhelming number of negative criticisms it received. Also, since adults of that time thought the music was just plain bad, the teens were even more drawn to its sound (Brown, 50, 53). Elvis Aaron Presley is known as the "King" today, but in the mid-fifties, he was known as "Elvis the Pelvis" because of his pelvic thrusts and somewhat exaggerated hip movements (67). These sexual mannerisms caught the attention of young women who viewed him as a sex icon, but also caught the attention of the media. In the fifties, these actions were too obscene to be shown on television and so it was that he could only be shown above the waist. The media attention and restrictions only made him more-loved by fans and better known to the public. The early sixties were the years of Motown when black performers like Aretha Frankli... Free Essays on Influence Free Essays on Influence In â€Å"Under the Influence,†Marilyn Elias, a health and behavior reporter, states the effects alcohol advertising has on young children. Elias states that middle-schoolers who are most familiar with beer ads have the most favorable attitudes about alcohol and expect to drink more frequently as adults than classmates who barely recognize the ads, that Ray McGrath says beer industry commercials are designed for adults viewers and never target young people, and that kids pay attention to beer commercials and brand names. I find the author’s points very convincing because she has throughly research the history of alcohol advertising and the effects it has on children. Elias writes about the different effects alcohol television advertising has on young children. She writes this essay because she believes that these alcohol advertising influences young children to drink. She also believes that alcohol advertising shouldn’t be advertized during sports programs because majority of young children watch sports. This report appeared in USA Today on November 3, 1998. First, Elias states that middle-schoolers that are most familiar with beer ads have the most favorable attitudes about alcohol and expect to drink more frequently as adults than classmates who barely recognize the ads. She is saying that children, who know about the beer ads are more likely to drink more as adults than the one’s who don’t know. She writes, â€Å" Another new study of seventh-to-tenth-graders find those who view and like alcohol commercials are most likely to drink than kids less exposed to the ads†(172). I am not really sure whether those who view beer ads are more likely to drink then others, but I feel that it does influence them in some ways. Elias also points out that Ray McGrath says beer industry commercials are designed for adult viewers and never target young people. He states that beer commercials aren’t designed to catch the attention o... Free Essays on Influence Popular music and its artists have an enormous impact on our culture's youth from generation to generation. In almost any generation within the past fifty years, the behavior and beliefs of the majority of pre-teens and teens can be closely correlated with those of the popular music artist's of that time. Which music was "the popular music" changed drastically several times between the 1950s and the present, along with the attitudes of that generation's young adults. With each change in popular music came also a lasting change in the behavior of generations to follow. In some cases, the change was evident the band or artist was creating or surrounded by controversy in other cases, the change was not evident until afterwards, a learning experience perhaps. In the 1950s, Bill Haley and the Comets first used the word "rock" to describe a musical form. They also released two movies, Blackboard Jungle, and Rock Around the Clock, which featured their music and were aimed specifically at young audiences. Blackboard Jungle told a story of teenage alienation and also made a star of Haley because of the overwhelming number of negative criticisms it received. Also, since adults of that time thought the music was just plain bad, the teens were even more drawn to its sound (Brown, 50, 53). Elvis Aaron Presley is known as the "King" today, but in the mid-fifties, he was known as "Elvis the Pelvis" because of his pelvic thrusts and somewhat exaggerated hip movements (67). These sexual mannerisms caught the attention of young women who viewed him as a sex icon, but also caught the attention of the media. In the fifties, these actions were too obscene to be shown on television and so it was that he could only be shown above the waist. The media attention and restrictions only made him more-loved by fans and better known to the public. The early sixties were the years of Motown when black performers like Aretha Frankli...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
How Do I Apply to College With a Low GPA
How Do I Apply to College With a Low GPA SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you worried that your college plans will be derailed by an underwhelming GPA? Don't be discouraged and don't give up on your dream of college! You can still go to a great school, even if you have a low GPA. Whether you are just startinghigh school or already at the application stage, read on to see the many things you can do to either raise your GPA,boost the rest of your application, explain your circumstances,or even find an alternate route to a degree. What Is Considered a Low GPA? Is Your GPA Actually Low? A low GPA may be a little bit like beauty - in the eye of the beholder. You might feel that your GPA is low because itfalls below the average at your target school. Or maybe your grades really aren't so hot. Generally speaking, highly selective colleges consider 3.5 to be on the low end. At most other schools, low GPA scores are in the 2.0 range. To find out whether your GPA could weight down the rest of your application, first research what the average acceptance GPA is at each of your target schools. To do this, try searching forâ€Å"[college name] admission GPA†or â€Å"[college name] average GPA.†Is your GPA only slightly below (.1 or .2 points less) the averages you found? Then excellent test scores and a solidapplication will go a long way to make up for it! Is your GPA much lower than the averages you found? The read on for our advice on what to do about it. Get that GPA up! Higher... higher... Can YouRaise Your GPA? If you're not happy with your GPA, the good news is that there's almost always time to raise it before you send off your college applications. Your strategy will depend on which grade you're currently in. Grades 9 and 10 If you're a freshman or sophomore, great news! You still have timeto getyour GPA up through dedicated studying. For example, imagine Haileyendsfreshman year with a GPA of 2.5 (a B-/C+ average). Ifshe then really puts her shoulder to the wheel and gets straight A-'s in 10th grade, her GPA would go up to 3.1. If she continues the hard work and earns more A-'s junior year, she'll be looking at a 3.3 GPA! With that in mind, ask yourself what is holding your GPA back: Are you struggling in a particular subject?Think about getting a tutor to help you catch up, or ask your teacher for extra help outsideof class. Are you so overwhelmed with extracurricular demands that you don't have enough time to study?If you aren't doing this outside interest at a very high level, think about pulling back a bit to give yourself room to do to schoolwork. Are you bored by your classes?This sounds counterintuitive, butthink about whether a harder level class will spur extra interest - and extra effort on your part. Grades and 12 If you are already in the second half of high school, you probably won't be able to significantly raise your GPA. For example, picture Sven, who ended his junior year with a cumulative GPA of 2.5. Because college applications are due in the middle of senior year, he only has one semester to bring up his grades. Even if he manages to get straight A's during that semester, his GPA will still only be 2.7 - not a huge improvement. But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to do your best anyway: Are you doing better and better? Even if your grades are low, if you can show collegesthat your GPA is on an upward trend, you will demonstrate that you have untapped potential. Are you taking difficult, honors-level classes? Ask your guidance counselor whether your school can provide colleges with a weighted GPA that will give colleges a sense of your challenging course load. Do you have the resources to take an extra year?Many private boarding schools offer a postgraduate year (basically a 5th year of high school). Classes that you take during this year factor into your GPA, giving you time to raise it. To find theseschools, search for "boarding schools with PG year." College applications put together the pieces to solve the puzzle of you. Can YouBoost Your Application in Other Ways? Did you know that although the GPA is very important, it is only one part of the many different things admissions officers take into account? Focusing on these other pieces of the application is a key strategy for offsetting alow GPA. Boost 1: Raise Your Test Scores If your GPA showshow you compare to the rest of your classmates, then SAT or ACT scores show how you rank compared to students across the whole country. It's no wonder they are another key component of your college application - and that having high test scores greatly improves your application! For example, imagineStella, who would love to go to the University of Georgia. Unfortunately, hernot-so-great work habits resulted in aGPA of 3.3, which is below UGA's average. Using our admissions calculator, we can see that If she alsogets 1290on her SAT's, she has only a 17% chance of getting into UGA. But, if she busts her derriere over 3-4 monthsto get a 1450, her chances of getting in go up to almost 50! Tosee how your chances to get into the University of Georgia would change if you GPA stayed the same but your SAT scores goes up, check out our UGA admissions calculator. To find our admissions tools for other schools, just Google "[name of school] admissions prepscholar" (for example, "UCLA admissions prepscholar"). Boost 2: Hype Your Non-Academic Skills and Talents It makes no sense to judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree - so admissions officers don't judge applicants only on their academics. If they did, they would miss applicants who have other amazing qualities. Do You Already Do Remarkable Extracurricular Things? Do you play sports at a very high level? Are you deeplyinvolved in theater, music, or the visual arts? Do you hold an unusually important leadership position in any clubs or organizations? Do you spend your free time building impressive things like robots, buildings, or vehicles? Are you an entrepreneur who has started a business or two? If you have skills and talents that don't show up on your transcript, make sure your application makes a big deal out of theseother accomplishments.Colleges will be impressed and can even infer that spending so much time on your other talents may have caused your grades to fall a bit. Can You Start Doing Remarkable Extracurricular Things? If you're a junior or have the summer before senior year, it's not too late to improve your extracurricular depth. Figure out what you're interested in and good at, and try to take it to the next level. Read our guide to getting into the top schools in the country for more examples of how to do this. Anotherway to show off your non-academic talents is to take a gap year between high school and college. However, this only makes sense if you have an opportunity for really meaningful travel, an internship, or a job that will make you a more appealing applicant. So, taking a year off to surf is probably not the best idea. But, taking a year off to teach English to kids in Ecuador or to participate in AmeriCorps could be just what your application - and your sense of personal achievement and maturity - needs. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Boost 3: Amaze With Your Essay The third key element of your college application is the essay. Imagine it: a space reserved just for your voice, where you get to define yourself and what is important to you! Just how important is the essay? Dean Fred Hargadon, who was the head of admissions at Princeton when I went there, could remember off the top of his head what each admitted student's essay was about! To set your application apart, consider writing about: How excited you are about studying X The talents, strengths, or challenges that aren't in your transcript If you need help getting started, check out our step-by-step guide to writing an outstanding college essay. Sometimes complicated situations have simple explanations. Can You Explain Your Low GPA? Sometimes your GPA is low because of circumstances outside your control. If this is the case you can use the rest of your application to explain and give context. Was There a Crisis in Your Home? When you or your family undergoes a period of personal, financial, or health-related upheaval, it's perfectly understandable that your grades could slip. For example, in 10th grade I became verydepressed when my parents got divorced, and my grades that year were B’s and C’s. Junior year, I brought my grades up, got excellent test scores, and wrote an essay explaining how hard it was to suddenly have to live alonefor weeks on end while my mom traveled for her job. My high school counselor also explained the situation, and I ended up going toPrinceton. Colleges are happy to take these kinds of events into consideration, so let them know the difficulty you overcame or are still facing: First, write an excellent essay explaining what happened Then, make sure your recommendation letter writersalso mention these extenuating circumstances Did You Attend a Failing or Underperforming School? Unfortunately, not all high schools can provide a great education. If you went to a school that did not have enough resources, look into programs that cater specifically to students whose circumstances have not allowed their potential to develop. Two examples are: TheNorthern Illinois University Deacon Davis CHANCE Program TheUniversity of Minnesota’s TRIO Program They will all get you there eventually. Is There Another Way to Get a College Degree? If boosting your GPA, raising your test scores, or highlighting your extracurriculars all seem out of reach, you can pursue alternative paths to get a college degree. Split Up Your College Experience One option is to transfer from a lower tier college to a higher tier one after one or two years.If you would rather not figure out the logistics of this yourself, consider starting with a community college. Some state universities now offer "2+2" Programs, affiliating themselves with community colleges so that students can earn an associate degree and then get guaranteed admission to the state university. The advantage of these programs is that you will have advisers keeping you on the right track for your major and course of study. One example isthe 2 Plus 2 Plan at the University of Iowa. To find others, search for "[your state university name] 2+2 program." Four-Year College Options There are many schools that will accept students with a very low GPA, and even some that will accept anyone who applies. For example, check out this list of the easiest colleges to get into. What's Next? Ready to raise your SAT or ACT scores? Start with PrepScholar’s best SAT advice and best ACT advice. Got high your SAT/ACT scores, but still struggling with a lagging GPA? Learn what to do about it here. Need to get a handle on the college application process? This infographic lays it all out for you. Excited to build a dynamic college application? Here is advice onhow to make yourself sound competitive anywhere. Want to improve your SAT score by 160points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Friday, February 14, 2020
Propose a solution to a problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Propose a solution to a problem - Essay Example According to a report by the Pew Hispanic Center, 57% of the persons entering America illegally as at 2004 were contributed by Mexico. Southern American nations accounted for 24% of the immigrants, Asia9%, Europe combined with Canada accounted for 6% the rest of the world including Africa accounted for 3%. In this paper I will be taking a broader look of the whole immigration problem and proposing a solution for the government. The immigration law in the US has been and continues to be at the stage of heated political debates for decades now. Policy makers have to struggle with balancing between maintaining competitiveness globally through the tapping of top of foreign talents and curbing illegal immigration through beefing up the security of our national borders. Policy discussions are now focusing streamlining the process through which visa applications are made and addressing the problem posed by millions of persons already living in America illegally majority of which are youth being brought in by the parents. The focus is also directed at the implementation of effective local policies that do not jeopardize public trust in the government especially within the communities of immigrants. Such efforts positively signal a step in the direction of implementing a lasting and workable solution the current ever growing problem of illegal immigration (Lee, 2013). However, the enactment of comprehensive law reforms to address the whole issue of illegal immigration into the United States at the level of Federal Government has been at a standstill during the past few years forcing President Obama to take the approach of enforcement- based policies for curbing the issue in his first term of tenure. At the same time, restrictive laws by some states such as Arizona’s SB 1070 highlight the uncertainties that exist between states and the federal government in terms of authority over policies to address immigration problems. But following
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Wikileaks Endangered Lives Saved by Military Censorship Essay
Wikileaks Endangered Lives Saved by Military Censorship - Essay Example This is just not the case. In fact, what is usually called military â€Å"censorship†is in the best interest of our troops, our country, our government, and our liberty. One recent example of this is the Wikileaks scandal where a large number of sensitive documents were released to the public. This release of censored material shows why censorship is actually a positive thing when it comes to military documents, as it has caused problems with military security. Furthermore, it endangered not only the lives of American troops, but of Afghan civilians and everyone involved. Wikileaks and other disasters have proved that military â€Å"censorship,†far from being dangerous, is a necessary part of keeping the country safe. In the middle of 2010 and the war in Afghanistan, a website called Wikileaks began posting classified documents from the US Government. In many cases these documents being uncensored â€Å"could put the lives of Americans and our partners at risk, and t hreaten our national security†(Jones). Although it’s debatable what intent the Wikileaks project had in fighting against what they perceived as censorship, their result was definitely harmful. As Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Douglas B. Wilson put it, the â€Å"arrogance and naivete†of fighting against military censorship â€Å"have determined and had negative consequences for national security" (Miles).
Friday, January 24, 2020
Government Essay -- Analysis, Thoreau
Thoreau starts his essay by supporting the motto- â€Å"that government is best which governs least†(177), which implies the reduction of governmental interference in everyday affairs by reducing the government’s capacity to tax for unpopular causes. A case in point is a poll tax – a â€Å"per head†tax imposed on all citizens to help support, what Thoreau considered an unjust war against Mexico, which would extend slavery into new US territories, organized by a small elite of persons who have manipulated government to their benefit against popular will (177). Furthermore, Thoreau maintains that government rarely proves itself useful and that it derives its authority from the majority since they are physically the strongest group, not because they hold the most legitimate viewpoint. He continues that individual’s prior obligation is to do what they believe is right and not to obey the law dictated by the majority. It can be suggested that when a go vernment is unjust, people should refuse to obey the law and dissociate themselves from the government in general. This implies that a person is not obligated to devote his life to eradicating evils from the world, but he is ought not to participate in such evils, which could mean not being a member of an unjust institution such as the government. However, at the same time, it could not be the most appropriate approach for one to dissociate from the society and be ultimately responsible to herself alone, especially in current interconnected world. Moreover, it is worth noting, that there is a strong sense of individualism and skepticism toward the government throughout Thoreau's work. It can be argued that Thoreau is deeply skeptical of the government because he despises the view that an individu... ...mply not make the world any worse. To return to the original question, it would appear that a man has a duty to act according to the dictates of his conscience, despite the latter goes against majority opinion, or the laws of society. In cases when the state supports unjust or immoral laws, Thoreau's notion of service to one's country paradoxically shifts to the form of resistance against it. Resistance is the highest form of patriotism because it illustrates a desire not to demolish government but to build a better one in the long term. Thus, Thoreau does not advocate a complete rejection of the administration, but resistance to those specific features considered to be unjust or immoral. Even though Thoreau’s ideas were not much influential in nineteenth century, it helped to inspire Mohandas Gandhi’s and Martin Luthor King’s theories of nonviolent resistance.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
History of Computers
Well, the English dictionary states that it is â€Å"Also called [a] processor. An electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations†(dictionary, 201 1). But, computers are much more than that. Computers are not Just pieces of equipment, they are tools that make up our everyday lives and greatly help and facilitate them; they make our lives faster, easier, simpler, and more efficient.They have only been around for a small amount time. They are part of the modern era†as some refer to it, and are the fastest growing technology in man's history (History of Computers, 2011). There are many debates going on about which computer was the first one to be invented. This question is very difficult to answer if it is not more specific. The reason being that it all depends on what you are looking for in a computer. There are many types of computers, and they can be arranged in categories.Some examples of categories include, analog computers, hybrid computers, portable computers, desktop computers, war computers, mainframe computers, mini computers, corrupters, and the list goes on and on (Types of Computers, 2011). The list could also Include things Like satellites, GAPS systems, and house security alarms. All these things can be called computers because they have characteristics of computers, and are processors. For this reason, there is no definite answer to the question â€Å"Which was the first computer ever built? â€Å". The question has not been left unanswered, though.The first programmable computer ‘Turing COLOSSUS' appeared in the year 1943, and by many has been named the first computer to exist. It was used to â€Å"decipher World War II coded messages from Germany†(The History of the Computer, 2011). This was the main task that computers had at that time. They were used as â€Å"war computers†and were used to encode and decode messages from enemies. As stated above, it was the â€Å"first programmable computer. This means that in that category, the programmable computer category, It was the first, but It does not mean that It was the first â€Å"computer†ever to be Invented.Others attribute the title of â€Å"first electronic computer†and â€Å"first computer†to MANIAC. This was â€Å"the brain†of Turing Colossus (The History of the Computer, 2011). MANIAC was developed by John W. Macaulay and J. Prosper Cocker at the university of Pennsylvania, and by many is considered the first computer. MANIAC set many records, including the cost, space, and material used to build it. It used an extraordinary number of 18,000 vacuum tubes and 1800 square Ft. Of space, to build. First Computers, 2011 MANIAC was a major step in the development of the computer, but two inventions that really spurred on the building of computers were the Silicon Chip and Transistor. Both made it possible for computers such as MANIAC, to be reduced to a much smaller size, which cost less and was also more efficient and safer. The Transistor was created by people working at Bell Labs, and the Silicon Chip was Invented by Jack SST. Claim Spiky of Texas Instruments. Colons Chips are still used In our modern portable computers, and they are the reason why we have portable computers since they greatly reduce the size needed for a processor. Amputees like MANIAC smaller, safer, and more affordable. This meant that instead of only government owning computers, now businesses could own computers. The computers were still too big, dangerous, and laborious for home use. The computers were not safe, because like the MANIAC, that had so many parts, it had to be maintained by professionals. These many parts also had to be replaced very often. Because of this, these tasks were extremely time consuming and meant that the computers were laboriously slow machines and were not yet efficient. The company that was responsible for many of the â€Å"first computers†was MOM.This company was the â€Å"unquestioned market leader in selling these large, expensive, error-prone, and very hard to use machines†(Mainframes to PC's, 2011). After the Silicon Chip came to be, the change from big computers to portable everyday-use computers, was under way. The portable computers started coming out in the early asses (Mainframes to PC's, 2011). The first major company to design computers was IBM but then companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Dandy Radio Shack started producing their own portable computers, which IBM had not yet done.IBM at this time was still not involved in the â€Å"portable computer business†(The History of the Computer, 2011). IBM was still producing government and business owned computers. The two first people to create computer code were Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Their program was called a BASIC program and later Bill Gates created Microsoft which old computer software (Personal Computer History, 2011). IBM was the first, though, to create a PC computer which could add pieces to its architecture (Mainframes to PC's, 2011).Apple's Macintosh was the first computer to come out with a GUI (graphical user interface). This meant that it could be programmed by people at home, was easy to use with its interface, and it included a mouse, which meant it was a personal favorite at home for the people, while IBM was well liked by businesses and big corporations because of its programs like Microsoft Word, Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, ND its spreadsheets (Mainframes to PC's, 2011). In 1977, Dandy Radio Shack and Apple had the only machines equipped with disk drives.This meant that their software could be sold on â€Å"floppy disks†and this made it easier for them, and helped their companies become very successful (Knight Dan, 2001). The portable computer industry continued to evolve and change, but it took a couple decades before th ey started producing the kinds of computers we have now. Next, came the evolution of the new portable computers. Just like the big computers MANIAC and UNIVAC, the portable computers had a â€Å"revolution†of their win, where they improved as better programs and better devices were created. This â€Å"revolution†is fairly recent, less than a decade ago, up until now.One of the major milestones in technological and computer advancements was the touchstones. Computers called tablet PC's started being produced, and touchstones smart-phones, too. Tablet PC's are capable of being written on with a special pen. Now, computer companies are trying to build the smallest, fastest, most portable computers, and these computers are being called â€Å"Notebooks†. Also, some of the newer computers re equipped with built-in internet, meaning that anywhere the user is, the computer receives an internet signal and it can connect to the World Wide Web (WWW).Apple â€Å"app stor e†of its own, meaning users can download applications ranging from school to games and these pap's prices range from free to around $50. Some have even called this a cultural revolution in computer development (Elliptic Antonio, 2011). There are also other computers that can have third-party software downloaded onto them. This means that any person that can create computer software can then share it with a community of people. This is all made possible by the World Wide Web. Computers have drastically changed the way we work, both the efficiency and productivity has sky rocketed.Computers are now used for science, calculations, medicine, and also things like D building. Our whole stock exchange market is made up of computers who calculate and then communicate the news to the public. Computers are also frequently used to create plans for buildings, homes, and businesses. They can also help save lives in the medicine and search fields. They can help prevent illnesses and can al so help find outbreaks from others and even cover new ones (The Pros and Cons of Technology Today, 2011). Next comes the World Wide Web (WWW), and it makes computers even more useful.The World Wide Web connects the entire world together with an internet network, and many new purposes for computers have arisen thanks to it. First of all, computers are very important for communication. We can now communicate with people on the other side of the world, in only a matter of seconds. This is done through social networks, emails, and instant messaging programs. All our technology has greatly increased our productivity as we can share our findings with others in a horn amount of time. Also, smart-phones have evolved so much that now they are being called â€Å"portable computers†themselves.We can almost do everything on our phones that we can do on our computers, now. This is the reason why many believe that in a few years, computers will have disappeared and smart-phones and tablet s will replace them. Some even say that in 2011, smart-phones and tablets will take over (Lour Steve, 2011). With all the positives stated above, there are also some â€Å"side-effects†created from computer usage. One example being that some people rely so much on technology hat when it fails them, they are unproductive. Also, computers now decrease the amount of exercise people get.Now, people tend to spend most of their day at work, on the computer ,and then at home in front of their TV's. This has greatly affected, for example, the obesity death rate in the United States. Around 600,000 adults each year die from physical inactivity and this number has been increasing each year (Obesity Levels in America, 2008). This is due to laziness among the people, created by use of technology, and has been an increasing factor in health issues. Many people are not getting enough exercise because they are on their computers too much, and this is one of the major negatives that compute rs have brought about.Also, it has been proven by many eye doctors that being in front of a computer screen for too long can damage the eye sight. Other health issues have arisen too concerning rays that could be emitted from computers and could be dangerous to our bodies (Hartmann Thomas, 2011). There have been many assumptions made about what will happen to the they will continue to evolve into ways that are at the moment unimaginable, and they ill make our lives more CEO-friendly. That is a major development right now in computers. Scientists are finding new ways to make houses CEO-friendly and more efficient in the way they work.This is all related to computers, since the houses are equipped with computer processors of their own. Some houses of the future will include automatic heating systems and automatic blinds. For example, they will receive data from a nearby weather station and then they will apply this to the house so that they can make the house cooler on a hot day and w armer on a cold day. They ill also have houses with refrigerators, for example, that display when they are about to run out of food and what they are running out of.There are lists that go on and on about the development of the future for computers and how they will change the way we think and live. Computers are huge parts of our daily lives and many experts believe that it will stay that way for a long time to come. They believe that the technology will improve and speed up our work and make it more efficient. There are others, though, that believe that computers are making our generations lazier and not as scholarly. This is major debate that is on going about computers and their pros and cons.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
East Asia is a diverse region housing some of the largest...
East Asia is a diverse region housing some of the largest nations in the world as well as some of the smallest. Remarkably, over the past 20 years, the region of East Asia has experienced overwhelming success and growth rates. East Asia currently ranks as one of the top regions in the world in terms of economic success and growth. According to Thomas Leipziger, (Leipziger, 3) The East Asian countries have a record of maintaining political and economic stability and of pursuing long-term economic goals. The success of East Asia has led to much scrutiny over the role of the Government contributing towards its success. Although there might be many factors involving the success of East Asia, it is reasonably fair to say that†¦show more content†¦The key indicators of macroeconomic stability are factors such as low inflation, reasonable tax rates, low deficits, and a stable, competitive currency. These factors are also necessary for long-term growth. This proves that macroeconomic stability is essential and needful for sustained growth in an economy. The countries of Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and China, have become top rankers in terms of success and wealth globally. The author will explore the success of each individual nation and explain how their governments’ role has played a part in their success. Singapore is one of the world’s most highly developed countries. It is also one of the least corrupt countries worldwide. This is mainly due to its government’s efficiency in running its tiny little island state. The government of Singapore tightly controls the nation’s economy and infrastructure. Being a small country with very little to no natural resources, Singapore has to rely on its trading as part of its main source of revenue. The Government has managed to strengthen its trade ties worldwide and boasts one of the busiest transhipment ports in the world. The Government also focuses on large high-level domestic savings through the implementation of the Central Provident Fund or the CPF, in which its citizens are required to save a portion of their income in order to prepare for their own future needs. The government’s emphasis on mandatory education has also enabled theShow MoreRelatedDried Bamboo Leaves as an Alternative Source of Paper2723 Wo rds  | 11 Pagesare distributed in many parts of the world. There are more than 1200 species of 50 genera of bamboo. There is approximate 22 million ha bamboo forest area worldwide that can be divided into three big divisions e.g. Asia and Pacific, America and Africa. China, India, Southeastern Asian nations, some of nations of Africa and Latin America are rich in bamboo resource (Zhou 1998). Among them, China is richest of bamboo forest because of locating at the center region of bamboo distribution. 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